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Warnken, LLC Attorneys at Law, Attorneys & Lawyers, Pikesville, MD

Another Update in the Time of COVID

In early May, we reported that, for the month of April, our new cases were down 25.5%.  New personal injury and workers’ comp cases were down further in May.  We only took in 24 new cases in May that were not COVID.  Our COVID work is currently all pro bono.

Therefore, our personal injury and workers’ comp case volume was down a full 50% from the pre-COVID period this year.  As we said last month, we anticipate the comp slowdown to remain for some time.  Currently, 20 million plus Americans have ongoing unemployment benefits.  This remains a remarkably tough period for the economy, to say nothing of the social strife that has finally been brought to the surface to stay.

We are hopeful that things pick back up again.  We remain willing and able to represent the injured in their pursuit of just compensation for their injuries.  We have retained our whole team and currently continue to work from home.  Our zoom meetings are a truly enjoyable part of the week as we miss social interaction with each other and with our clients.

Please stay safe!